Super smooth camera motion via a combination of a motorised slider driving a Moza Air 2 Gimbal.
There's all kinds of gadgets and gizmos available to help film makers create amazing videos. Here's a combination of a gimbal on a slider. You can control the gimbal via the Moza App on an iphone producing rolls, tilts and pans as the camera glides back and forth along the GVM GP-80QD 31 inch slider.
As a Freelance Videographer it's important that I keep up to date with modern equipment. Yet - I can't afford to buy every piece of new equipment that comes onto the market. So when purchasing for film making I look carefully at the equipment and take note of how other people have used it and what their thoughts are about it before I decide to buy. And hey - if I need a specific piece of equipment for a film shoot I will hire it in. Some cameras cost an arm and a leg so are not commercially viable to buy for a one off project. Many Video Production Companies hire in all sorts of equipment and even people with specific skills for a special purpose.